What you'll learn in this course

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  • 1

    Getting Started

    • Introduction to GrowFlow

  • 2

    The Cultivation Module

    • Introduction to the Cultivation Module

    • Adding Plants

    • Unpacking Plant Packages

    • Promoting Clones to Veg

    • Moving Plants into Flower

    • Harvesting

    • Making Packages from a Harvest

  • 3

    Inventory Control

    • Introduction to Inventory Control

    • Finding Inventory with Filter and Search

    • Selecting and Moving Inventory

    • Making Packages and Converting Inventory

    • Destroying Inventory

    • Editing Inventory Details

    • Receiving Inbound Orders

    • Checking Available METRC Tags

  • 4

    Sales and Transfers

    • Introduction to Orders and Transfers

    • Creating a New Order

    • Creating a Pre-Order

    • Editing an Existing Order

    • Order Fulfillment

    • Creating a Manifest

    • Pushing Manifest Details to METRC

  • 5


    • Introduction to Administrative Controls

    • Managing Rooms

    • Managing Strains

    • Manual Syncs with METRC

    • Managing Users and User Permissions

    • Importing Tags from METRC

  • 6

    Wrap Up

    • Explore deeper topics

    • How was your experience at GrowFlow University?